So last night I went to sleep before 10:30 - a normal time for once. But of course my bladder had to interrupt my slumber in the middle of the night and even though I tried my best to stay as asleep as possible, when I laid back down my eyes were wide open staring at the ceiling - daydreaming, thinking, overthinking, and praying. And now it's noon and I have to watch church by myself - whomp.
This will probably be a short blog. Probably could have been a Facebook post, but oh well, we're already here.
Anywho, the other day my sister Brandi and I were chatting about our kids and a win she had with her teenage son. You ever notice that no matter what your kids do, you'll always love them? There's an unconditional love that we have for them because they are a part of us - whether naturally, through adoption or marriage. And even if they irritate us, make us mad or disappoint us, we will always love and support them - no matter what. Even if we go through a rough period, there's comfort in knowing that things will come back around - for me, through prayer, fasting, and forgiveness.
One time, Chris was acting a plum monkey bratty fool. He was distant. Our communication was short and we just weren't getting along which was so weird because we had gone from being besties to being like strangers. His disobedience was making me want to fight him. Teenage temper tantrums are thee worst and I was ready to pull my hair out. Then one day as I was praying, God was like "that's how you act towards me sometimes". I was like "oop, but God..." and then I began to sit and think about all the times I was disobedient and didn't follow His instructions. All the times I threw an adult temper tantrum when I didn't get my way. And how many times I missed days of quality time with Him causing distance between us which made it difficult for me to hear His voice. And through all of my missteps, disobedience and tantrums - He still loves me.
He doesn't keep a record of my wrongs and He doesn't hold them against me. There's always a consequence for my actions but He doesn't hold a grudge or give me the silent treatment because I did something wrong or because I missed my time with Him. He's always ready with open arms to welcome me back - because He still loves me.
If you don't have children maybe you have a spouse or a parent - someone near and dear. God will always use your closest people to show you you. It's like He's holding a mirror so you can see your reflection in real time. So whenever you run into a rough spot with the people who mean the most to you, take second and think about how you've been acting towards God. Have you been ignoring Him? Have you been talking to Him? Have you been spending time with Him? Have you been being disobedient? Have you been throwing temper tantrums? Have you been giving God the silent treatment...
Okay so this was longer than a Facebook post and I honestly hate pressing "more" more than once if it's not a funny story. But anyway, when you find yourself having a difficult time with the people you love, you may want to check your connection with God.
Love is a verb, it's an action word, it's not a feeling. Love is not selfish. Love is not fleeting, it does not come and go. It is not a manipulation tool. It is something that you get up and choose to do daily for those who mean the most to you. And I'm grateful that our Father in heaven chooses us - everyday.
For more info about my book, You're A Daughter of the King...conduct yourself as such, click here.